Claire Warner
Hannah Stephenson
English 110.01
March 14, 2011
So many people these days are caught up in what’s the newest and juiciest gossip involving celebrities, famous athletes, and music artists. It can sometimes be rough for celebrities to get by each day with living in the spotlight. There are so many people out there who support and are obsessed with their favorite movie star, performer, or celebrity but then there are also people out there who criticize celebrities for their every move and mistake. Perez Hilton is a unique character that has both of these personas. Perez Hilton has his own celebrity blog and loves to sit on his computer all day updating his website with the newest gossip in the media spotlight at the time. Most of his posts are crude and contain doodles on the faces of the celebrity he is blogging about, demeaning them as a person. Some may say he is the most awful person for poking fun at celebrities, on the other hand some think that Perez Hilton is the most honest and hilarious blogger when it comes to the topic of social media and celebrities.
If you think about how much social media has changed in the last ten or fifteen years it is crazy. There didn’t used to be so many celebrity blogs, there wasn’t as many online dating websites, there wasn’t FaceBook, and there were not so many fanatics concerned with social media. People have always been and always will be curious to see what is going on in the lives of a celebrity. Ever since way back in the day, the community has always respected people who had a lot of money, those who were famous because of being on Broadway or being an actor in a silent movie. Today it is the same way. Though people are famous for different reasons, they are still looked up too because of their salary and their status in society.
The Perez Hilton blog is interesting to me. When I first heard about this website, and heard about who Perez was I didn’t expect his blog to be so loud and colorful, and full of his ideas and doodled images. My first impression of Perez was that he was a celebrity guru, and loved to follow and update the world with what’s new in the media spotlight. Some of what I thought turned out to be true. Perez Hilton’s blog is famous for bashing the celebrities that he is blogging about, and demeaning the character they are with doodling on their faces. After the first time viewing this website I was hooked. Every time I looked at it there was something new for me to laugh at, as well as keeping me informed with the newest and best gossip.
Though many people look at the Perez Hilton blog site to get a laugh, his website can be controversial. Many of the celebrities that are on his website, take offense to what he has to say about their lives, and who they are as a person. But this is what makes him such a well-known and popular blogger. He is famous for knowing anything and everything about celebrity news, and celebrity gossip. Though most of what he says comes of to his followers, and especially distasteful to the celebrity he is blogging about, it is his crude way of bashing celebrities that keeps more and more people interested in his site.
Though the Perez Hilton website has undergone much criticism through the years, his website has turned out to be a success. More and more people obsessed with celebrities have began so be loyal followers of his site; and people who are new to his site, have also begun to really enjoy reading his crude posts daily to get a good laugh. Though his posts can sometimes be harsh, or crude they will continue to attract new readers, as long as Perez keeps his ego of being “The Queen of all Media”.
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