Monday, March 14, 2011


For this course I think that I have opened up my mind to writing differently. Before this course and throughout high school, when I would sit down to write, I always felt stressed out about how I was going to word my thoughts so that they not only made sense to me in my head, but made sense to the reader. I have learned to not stress myself out so much when writing. Writing to me now is not something I need to get all worked up about it has become a way to put on paper, or put in words what I think about something. As a writer, I think that I have improved on making my point more clear to the reader; rather than rambling on about a subject and adding unnecessary words. Something that I still want to work on is coming up with a good thesis statement for my paper. To me that is the hardest part about putting together a well developed essay or piece of writing. During future writing projects, I am going to keep in mind that writing can be fun and doesn't have to be something to dread.

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