Saturday, January 22, 2011


I feel i have done a lot of research in my high school career. My first research project was in the 3rd grade when had to research the steamboat. I remember being so proud that i was able to write a whole page about the steamboat. My best research paper would have to be my research paper on pollution in Tuscarawas County i did my senior year of high school. I wrote 12 pages on whether pollution was affecting our County or if we were being a "green" county. After doing that paper i feel that i have gotten pretty good at doing research and am semi comfortable with it. I will have to to do plenty of personal and professional research later in life. I am currently a major in marketing so i will have to do a ton of research on the best way to market the company product or something like that. I will also have to do plenty of personal research throughout life when i'm looking for a place to live and looking for a job.

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